It was in the last week of December, when it happened.
She had been tired and overwhelmed and distracted.
She was too tired to even think straight.
She was even too tired to move, let alone think about going back to work.
All she wanted to do was read books, take afternoon naps and surf the net.
The last few years have been tough in some ways and the last 12 months have been the worst.
So much so, that many of her personal goals and intentions had not been met.
Her health had been compromised.
She had put on weight.
Her finances were in disarray.
She no longer even knew who she was. And she felt she was too old to change.
All she wanted to do was go back to bed.
But then, early one morning, just before New Year she woke at the crack of dawn as the sun was peeping over the trees and the dawn chorus had began. It was a perfect still morning. She tiptoed outside to the verandah with her first cup of coffee, curled up on a chair and listened to the dawn chorus.
And quite suddenly and quite dramatically, a whisper popped into her head.
It’s not too late.
It was like a switch had turned on inside her head.
She told me that she sat thought about what she really really really wanted in life.
And that small whisper grew louder inside her head …
It’s not too late. Life isn’t over yet.
And that whisper got even a little louder yet again .
It’s not too late, life isn’t over yet.
New Plan.
This is what happened next.
Right there in that moment, she remembered a conversation we had had and she sent me a message.
She asked for help.
And so we began.
And her life changed in so many good ways.
She found new perspectives to manage old problems and make life more flexible, some new work she loved, she had more energy, she lost weight and got her health back on track, she slept better and she took that dreamt of trip to Paris.
Because her life wasn’t over and it’s never too late.
If your heart is beating and you have a desire for something different, then it’s never too late.
It’s never too late to live a life of generosity and kindness, excellent health and real life wealth – instead of continuing in a cycle of behaviour that will have you living a life that you regret.
Life might be tough…
It’s not over yet.
With thanks to Alexandra Franzen and my beautiful client of January 2018.
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