Monthly Archives: December 2020

New Year? You wish.

I'm going to make a prediction about one year from now. You'll be thinking about New Year's Eve and resolutions for 2022 and you'll be saying to yourself. I wish I'd... ... spent more time with my family and friends, more time living life and making memories... and less staring at a computer screen. ... taken up that opportunity for a new dance class, joined that walking group or created a garden. ... been more open to challenging my beliefs, to accepting new ways of living and living younger. ... spent more time traveling, exploring and having adventures. ... made [...]

New Year? You wish.2021-08-13T22:22:23+00:00

I used to dread the holidays.

Let’s just say I wasn't the jolliest Christmas elf you've ever met! Back when my three boys were little, December meant the fun of watching their faces light up Christmas morning but not before a wave of obligations, chaos, clutter, and exhaustion. It was also often the busiest month of the year for our business and my husband Peter would comehome exhausted. I would race around like a bedraggled, cocaine addled elf… to town shopping returning to wrap gifts and prepare dozens of homemade cakes and goodies (despite not being the best baker). Christmas Day, we'd attend an extended family [...]

I used to dread the holidays.2021-08-13T22:22:23+00:00

What’s It All About

If you’re a woman over 40 and you want to look and feel young and enjoy life to its full potential, and you’re ready to explore the link between mind and body to achieve a youthful appearance and a youthful outlook on life, then you’re in the right place.



I’m a Personal Life Coach who also draws upon her Nursing background, hypnotherapy, NLP and Nutrition studies. I help my my to become stronger, wiser, more capable and more beautiful. My clients create lives that they love. They feel happier, look younger and stay younger.

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