

My name is Susan Macintosh and I coach women over 40 who want to reclaim their youth and get more out of their lives. With my background in nursing, life coaching, neuroscience, clinical hypnotherapy and nutrition, I give my clients solutions to living, thinking and staying young.

Over many years I have created a proven, holistic way to live life with more ease and pleasure. This allows you to physically and mentally live life younger, regardless of what age you start. While I can’t stop you from getting older, I can help you to live life without the usual problems of aging and craft a life filled with passion and a sense of purpose where each day is filled with pleasure.

Helping women over 40 restore their vitality and zest for living is more than just a business to me. It’s a way of life. It’s the way I live! I’m fascinated by the mind/body connection and how they work together to our benefit and determent. I’m passionate about harnessing this amazing connection to create the best possible version of myself and my clients. I love sharing my knowledge and experience with women who crave better health and more energy regardless of where they are on life’s journey. I believe that our mind and body have an innate ability to stay well and with the right help, to heal itself. We can turn back the aging clock regardless of our age and we can create sensuous, relevant lives. I share this and more with my clients and the women in my community.