
New Year? You wish.

I'm going to make a prediction about one year from now. You'll be thinking about New Year's Eve and resolutions for 2022 and you'll be saying to yourself. I wish I'd... ... spent more time with my family and friends, more time living life and making memories... and less staring at a computer screen. ... taken up that opportunity for a new dance class, joined that walking group or created a garden. ... been more open to challenging my beliefs, to accepting new ways of living and living younger. ... spent more time traveling, exploring and having adventures. ... made [...]

New Year? You wish.2021-08-13T22:22:23+00:00

When you make a mistake.

I made a big mistake yesterday. I was distracted, busy and should have known better.It's not something I'm proud of, but it might help you if I tell you about it.It was one of those mistakes that you know the moment that you’ve made it and it wasn’t going to be good.Here's the story.If you know anything about me, you’ve noticed I'm curious one and love learning new things. A lot fascinates me and I read widely and (at least think) I have a good understanding of what my capabilities.Well yesterday while in the kitchen I got myself into a predicament [...]

When you make a mistake.2020-09-15T23:17:54+00:00

It’s Kinda Serious

  A couple of days ago I heard that a young mum had been diagnosed with "the" virus. How? She went shopping for food for her young family. You might say, "what's the problem? She's young." Well, she is immunocompromised. It's serious. I have a neighbour. He's a wonderful and very gentle and not very old human bean. Every morning he walks past my front fence to collect a coffee for both himself and his wife. It gives him a reason to be out and about. (until now) He looks fit and healthy and very handsome. He has Motor Neurone [...]

It’s Kinda Serious2020-07-28T23:11:20+00:00

How to Feel Better in Stressful Times

I don't have to tell you that we're going through an unusual time right now. And though everyone else is talking COVID-19 as I am not an expert in that area, you won't hear me saying much about it. However, as an allied health practitioner and coach, I believe in being practical and in using evidence-based strategies to better support us. And I can talk about these, as that is something I do know about. For everything else, I find an expert in that area to help me. I feel that doing anything else isn't helpful. I do believe in [...]

How to Feel Better in Stressful Times2020-07-28T23:17:01+00:00

Goals with Soul

Are you that “someone” who has all the best intentions in the world… and then you  immediately “swing into action” without much planning? After a couple of weeks, those  best intentions begin to slide. "Life"  get’s in the way.  Before you know it, the old ways creep back? Or you didn't even bother in the first place? After all, it's never worked before so why should it work now? Have you ever wondered why this happens? Old patterns, giving in to other’s “needs and wants”, are often easier than intentionally putting yourself first, aren’t they? Tell me [...]

Goals with Soul2020-01-21T13:05:00+00:00

5 Questions to Create Clarity and Focus

I attended a couple of talks last weekend, given by a very unusual and successful woman. She looks the same as you or me. Shee speaks the same language. And she says that shee is no different from you or me. She says that he isn’t special in any way. And that she even has no special talents. I met an extraordinarily accomplished woman recently. She looked like you and me. Inside, she is very different though. She has been able to do something that many of us haven’t been able to do. She has [...]

5 Questions to Create Clarity and Focus2020-01-22T09:33:20+00:00

Pathways to Success

What is a beginning...can you pinpoint a time when something changed your life course? I’m sitting listening to some music drifting out over the vineyard … my head nodding with the rhythm ... and the words of the song remind me of a conversation I had this morning with my mentor.  He wrote to me about how people have stopped thinking.  That’s an interesting thought within itself. Let‘s get back to that in a just a few moments.  What I would love to do for you now though, is to highlight something else I see in all [...]

Pathways to Success2020-01-22T03:46:14+00:00

It’s Not Over Yet

It was in the last week of December, when it happened. She had been tired and overwhelmed and distracted. She was too tired to even think straight. She was even too tired to move, let alone think about going back to work. All she wanted to do was read books, take afternoon naps and surf the net. The last few years have been tough in some ways and the last 12 months have been the worst. So much so, that many of her personal goals and intentions had not been met. Her health had been compromised. She [...]

It’s Not Over Yet2020-01-22T09:05:50+00:00

What’s It All About

If you’re a woman over 40 and you want to look and feel young and enjoy life to its full potential, and you’re ready to explore the link between mind and body to achieve a youthful appearance and a youthful outlook on life, then you’re in the right place.



I’m a Personal Life Coach who also draws upon her Nursing background, hypnotherapy, NLP and Nutrition studies. I help my my to become stronger, wiser, more capable and more beautiful. My clients create lives that they love. They feel happier, look younger and stay younger.

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